How can a medical intuitive help with chronic pain?

Within the realm of alternative medicine lies an often unrecognized field called medical intuitivism. A medical intuitive is a holistic practitioner with the alleged ability to perceive specific health issues one might be experiencing. This might manifest through visions, feelings, intuitive thoughts, or a combination of these senses. Medical intuitivism offers an alternate perspective towards chronic pain, an issue plaguing millions of people worldwide. Though skeptics might question the validity of such methods, many have found relief from chronic conditions under the guidance and treatment of a medical intuitive.

Methodology of a Medical Intuitive

Medical intuitives utilize their perceived psychic skills to intuitively identify the root cause of a health issue. They work by intuitively perceiving imbalances in the body that are causing pain and discomfort. This reading might be based on an intuitive reading of the client’s energy field, communication with the client’s body, or an intuitive insight into the client’s past experiences that could have initiated or aggravated their health condition. Subsequently, they offer counseling, information about potential treatment options, and at times, they may also incorporate healing techniques such as energy healing, dietary adjustments, or lifestyle changes.

Combat Chronic Pain with Medical Intuitivism

Chronic pain is typically persistent pain that lasts for more than three months. It can occur in various parts of the body and can severely affect a person’s quality of life. Some typical examples include chronic back pain, neck pain, knee pain, pelvic pain, stomach pain, or joint pain. Most conventional treatments focus on managing the pain or treating the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. Over time, these treatments might also create a dependence on painkillers and other medications. However, a medical intuitive views chronic pain from a broader perspective. They focus on the individual as a whole and try to identify the root cause of the pain. By addressing these root issues, medical intuitive offers clients a chance to experience transformative healing that transcends symptom management.

Examples of chronic pain :

  • chronic back pain
  • chronic neck pain
  • chronic testicular pain
  • chronic knee pain
  • chronic pelvic pain
  • chronic shoulder pain
  • chronic stomach pain
  • chronic leg pain
  • chronic hip pain
  • chronic foot pain
  • chronic joint pain
  • depression

What are the meaning of ICD codes?

ICD codes, short for International Classification of Diseases codes, are a system of medical diagnostic codes used by healthcare professionals worldwide to classify diseases, ailments, symptoms, and other health conditions. In the context of chronic pain, ICD codes are used to categorize and document the specific type and severity of the patient’s chronic pain syndrome for medical records, research, and billing purposes. For example, the ICD-10 code for chronic pain, unspecified is G89.2.

Potential Benefits of Consulting a Medical Intuitive Practitioner

Most people who seek help from a medical intuitive practitioners often do so after trying various conventional treatments without significant success. They might choose medical intuitivism when traditional medicine cannot explain their chronic pain, or the prescribed treatments fail to provide lasting relief. Some possible benefits of seeking advice from a medical intuitive are:

Unearth Underlying Issues

While traditional medicine often addresses the symptoms of chronic pain, a medical intuitive delves deeper to uncover underlying issues. These might be emotional, psychological, or spiritual blocks that are causing physical pain.

Potential Complete Healing

By addressing the root cause of chronic pain, there’s a higher potential for complete healing rather than simply alleviating the symptoms.


A medical intuitive emboldens individuals to take charge of their health by providing insight into the emotional and physical aspects of their well-being. They often provide advice on nutrition, lifestyle, and stress management, encouraging a more active role in personal health maintenance rather than passive acceptance of conventional treatments.


While medical intuitivism might not replace traditional medicine and is not a certified medical professional, it can provide additional avenues for relief from chronic pain. Medical intuitive provide a unique perspective, which may prove beneficial for individuals who struggle despite conventional treatment. However, always consult a doctor before altering or discontinuing any ongoing treatments.

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